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Review Published: September 1, 2018
I feel I'm on a bad streak right now, dammit.
It was really well-written yet I didn't get what I was hoping after reading the book. Sniffs! But this was such a delightful read and I think this is just me, to be honest.
I just didn't get the grovel that I was opting from the male protagonist but make no mistake- he was such a good character and perfect for our dearest Lee/Lyric! I was waiting for that angst factor, making me experience goosebumps but it never came. I saw a few errors here and there but nothing major that would distract you from the story. I love second chance romances and I'm beating myself for not embracing these two when the chemistry was brewing from the very beginning!
I really, really liked how J. Saman allowed us readers to get a full grasp of how they developed their friendship in the first few chapters of the book. It was such a good, slow brew that tremendously helped the flow and pacing of their love story. It wasn't rushed but I was needed more angst from Jameson, you know? That hair-raising-I-want-my-woman-back-giddy-sending-butterflies-in-my-stomach, you know? Other than that, this was such an adorable read!
This is certainly not the last book I'll be reading from this author! Kudos, J. Saman!