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Review Published: June 30, 2018

Okay, before I start with how compelling and engaging this story was all about that literally suck me in the minute I started my reading... I'd just like to share that I should've read this book a month ago, seeing it popping in my recommendations and how I could see most of my goodreads buddies have been gushing and talking about Birthday Girl when it first came out...
SPOILERS. You have been warned.
First of all, I thought Pike Lawson was actually bisexual. Ask me why... (oh gosh, I'm an idiot, actually) the blurb CONFUSED me and I know I'm only to blame myself because I thought I interpreted in a way that Jordan and his father moved into Mr. Lawson's home, misunderstanding that Jordan's father was dating Pike Lawson. (How I arrived in that conclusion, I, myself cannot comprehend tbh) I'm into several chapters already and I'm still waiting for her father to pop out any time soon but after all that moving in and clearly settling with a different character, (don't want to spoil it as to some who're still reading this even when they're not actually finished or has NOT even started with the book entirely, ehem) then the confusion flew out the window and then clarity finally sets in and realization washed over me like a bucket of cold water- I got it all wrong.
Damn, and I was this C L O S E to skipping a book that actually fell on one of my delicious genres for books. Glad I sorted it before entirely avoiding this altogether. Thank goodness for the inner voice poking me to go back!
N O T E: For the record, I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST OTHER SEXUALITY, WHATSOEVER. I respect an individual's sexuality and preference but I'm just really sticking with my M/F romance, which is why I do not want to review or rate a book that does NOT fall on my usual picks, as to avoid being subjective for a mere aspect of a story. Quite frankly, it's not fair when the book is beautifully written and I only get to berate it JUST BECAUSE it doesn't fall on my category, just so we're all clear.
Now back to BIRTHDAY GIRL- Penelope Douglas, you've done it again! First with Misconduct... and now this intriguing, sexy story about a man and a woman (well, almost) but with all the shit tons of baggage she had to carry and a very rough life to deal with, for a nineteen-year old girl, she has seen more and lived more; she may talk and behave like a kid at times but her eyes have spoken layers and layers- beyond her years than most.
And who are we to forget or ignore the elephant in the room revealing a whooping 19-too-large-gap and I'm surprised with myself that I did not find this fact quite disturbing as I normally would react to. I remember freaking out with other books I've read in the past that has such a huge and large gap between the hero and heroine around 9-14 years and I swear my reaction is far less calm and collective compared to this book. Why oh why? Maybe because I understood that this wasn't just all about being forbidden and breaching the boundaries that are morally accepted by society, rather it spoke volumes. Sometimes, it doesn't really come down to age difference or how long or briefly you've known someone. It is what it is; and in this case between Jordan and Pike, as absurd as it may seem, they actually did find home with each other, in the short period of time they've gotten to know each other. Sure, she's young and has a bright future ahead of her- but who are we to say that a man like Pike can't give her the happiness that she deserves? This was consensual and ladies and gentlemen- she's a consenting adult and can make her decisions. Yes, provided we all make shitty turns and detours but we can't deny that she's capable to make her own decisions, even if it's borderline taboo.

AND CAN I JUST POINT OUT HOW OVERLY AND SUPER-DUPER HOT THESE TWO VOLATILE CREATURES CAN BECOME THE MOMENT THEY REALIZED THEY COULD NO LONGER FIGHT THE DEADLY ATTRACTION?! Man, my cheeks turned bright red while reading their steamy body-slapping scenes. And we think Pike's an old man- oh go figure... he sure can handle himself in the bedroom. And on kitchen sink. On the floor. In the bathroom. Or whichever. Possibly.
As for Pike's son and Jordan's ex, I'm surprised and amazed that Cole could stomach the bitter (for him) reality that his ex-girlfriend is in love with his father. I mean, sure he fucked up his relationship with Jordan but I just don't think I'll be able to imagine the kind of mixed emotions and ideas running through his head when he found out. He's far from perfect but his character does make it up in the near end of the story. Kudos to you, Cole!
This type of love story will be scrutinized for who knows how long but that's just it- if it's something you know it's real, then fight for it. If it's END GAME for you, then by all means. Aren't we suppose to experience the bittersweet reality of life?
I don't want to bother Jordan. She's stayed away, and I haven't heard from her, so that tells me I did the right thing. She's doing fine, and she'll be happier. But I'm not. This isn't over for me. You need your heart to get out of bed, walk, talk, work, eat and she took it when she left. I wasn't much before she came along, but what I did have inside me she left it with. I'm fucking miserable.
"Please tell her..." I pause, admitting out loud what I was afraid to face. "That I love her."
This wasn't insta-love. Yes, they were attracted to each other the minute they laid eyes with one another but there was something about these two that doesn't shout full lust and shallow- I felt more for these two. A slow, heated brewing romance that would set their worlds on fire. It was only a matter of time before it finally consumed the both of them. Little did we know, it wasn't coincidence. Must've been fate all along.
Again, I can't rid myself from forbidden romance- I'm attracted to it and I'm sure as hell won't deny it. And I also can't blame that Penelope Douglas is an amazing writer. Forbidden romance fiction might just be her forte! (Can't wait for future releases, author!) and bless you for making this HEA!